Monday, December 10, 2012

I Will be Revered

Wedding, OMG!!! Miranda and Ferdinand, wife and husband, what a happy day it is!!!! Wonderful!!! Amazing!!! Beautiful!!! 
However, before I can celebrate, I must carry out Prospero’s order. As I was getting ready for my task, I heard the three, Caliban and two other men, whose name are Trinculo and Stephano, plotting to kill my master to rule this island. Oh, what would I do if my master had died with me still in his debt!!! I would have killed myself. After my master and I are done with these three low lives, we will see who conquers this isle.
Ferdinand and Miranda getting Married

Me, the Devil

My fellow spirits, if you are reading this you will be impressed by my work. I will be considered the spirit of all spirits. I will be revered by many. You remember Antonio and Sebastian I was writing about in my previous blog post. Well, my master, Prospero, wants revenge; therefore we lured the royal entourage with a table of supper and I, Ariel, became a demon of a sort, who scared those who have caused crimes. I breathed fire; I screeched until their ears burst; I blazed their eyes with my glow. I must say that Sebastian, Antonio, and King Alonso, a man that betrayed my master, were so afraid. What a laugh I had. How much they will regret messing with my master.

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