Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Glorious Day

It is time to celebrate the engagement of the two lovers, Miranda and Ferdinand. My master thought of a superb treat for the couple, an enjoyable performance by the spirits! What fun I had!!! Iris, Ceres, and Juno, the most bounteous ladies, I thank thee for putting on a great show. My master is happier than a child tasting a sugary treat for the first time. What an evening!!!
Of course, we had a slight interruption. The performance was over earlier than expected because Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo were coming for my master, Prospero, as I told you in my earlier post. Prospero and I summoned up the spirits of demon dogs, and when Caliban and his confederates arrived to the cell, we set the dogs free to chase after the three frauds.
The story of revenge does not end here. The three traitors, Sebastian, Antonio, and King Alonso, were trapped in the line-grove which weather- fends my master’s cell.  For I, not human, did feel sorrow for the three men and believed if they were released, they would understand their wrongdoings. I was able to get through to my master; all he wanted was for his traitors to repent. Sure enough, King Alonso was sorry for his mistakes, and Antonio and Sebastian showed no emotion.
At the end of the day, I had finished my task. I brought back Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo to their masters; I navigated the King’s ship to this island; I assisted the ship on the ride back home, with my master in it, ready to take back his dukedom. What a glorious day!!! Oh, and I forgot to mention that I was granted freedom!!! OMG!!!!!

Iris: A contract of true love to celebrate;
And some donation freely to estate
On the blest lovers
Ceres: Earth's increase, foison plenty,
Barns and garners never empty;
Vines with clust'ring bunches growing
Plants with goodly burden bowing;
Spring come to you at the farthest,
In the very end of harvest!
Scarcity and want shall shun you;
Ceres' blessing so is on you.
Juno: Honour, riches, marriage-blessing,
Long continuance, and increasing,   
Hourly Joys be still upon you!
Juno sings her blessing on you.

Juno, a fine lady she is ;) . Jupiter is a LUCKY man
A + J <3

King Alonso, a sorrowful man

My master is on this ship

Monday, December 10, 2012

I Will be Revered

Wedding, OMG!!! Miranda and Ferdinand, wife and husband, what a happy day it is!!!! Wonderful!!! Amazing!!! Beautiful!!! 
However, before I can celebrate, I must carry out Prospero’s order. As I was getting ready for my task, I heard the three, Caliban and two other men, whose name are Trinculo and Stephano, plotting to kill my master to rule this island. Oh, what would I do if my master had died with me still in his debt!!! I would have killed myself. After my master and I are done with these three low lives, we will see who conquers this isle.
Ferdinand and Miranda getting Married

Me, the Devil

My fellow spirits, if you are reading this you will be impressed by my work. I will be considered the spirit of all spirits. I will be revered by many. You remember Antonio and Sebastian I was writing about in my previous blog post. Well, my master, Prospero, wants revenge; therefore we lured the royal entourage with a table of supper and I, Ariel, became a demon of a sort, who scared those who have caused crimes. I breathed fire; I screeched until their ears burst; I blazed their eyes with my glow. I must say that Sebastian, Antonio, and King Alonso, a man that betrayed my master, were so afraid. What a laugh I had. How much they will regret messing with my master.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Strange People on this Island

 My master asked me to lure Ferdinand, a prince who swam to the shore after the ship-wreck caused by a “tempest,” to his cell. A strange fellow Ferdinand is. I don’t see a "thing divine" as Miranda might say, rather I see a fellow of sorrow who thinks his father is lost. I don’t know what Prospero will do to this gentleman, but I have a feeling that a matrimonial ceremony will be coming up soon. Ferdinand is not the only man I find strange. Sebastian, the brother of the King of Naples, and Antonio, the current Duke of Milan, have such devilish thoughts. I thought only Sycorax, a blue-ey’d hag, had such diabolic judgment. I never would have believed that mankind could think in a demonic way. To kill the King of Naples, Alonso, for power and ambition, what thoughts they are? Fortunately, my honorable master foresaw the danger that his friend was in; therefore, he sent me to save King Alonso’s soul. What would have happened if my master didn’t know? I have learned one thing in the past couple of minutes and that is humans also have ambition that overpowers the good in them. Some of mankind can be trusted; others must be carefully watched.

                  The Sorrowful Prince Ferdinand

                    Antonio, the Current Duke of Milan

                Sebastian, brother of the King of Naples

While you here do snoring lie, open ey'd conspiracy
His time doth take
If of life you keep a care, shake off slumber and beware:
Awake! Awake!

This is what I sang to wake up Gonzalo and save the king

Monday, December 3, 2012

Thank You Master!!!!

After such hardship and pain, my master has forgotten what he has promised, to bate me a full year if I have done worthy service, told him no lies, made no mistakes, and serv’d without grudge or grumbling, yet my dear master, Prospero, yells at me for reminding him? I cannot fathom my noble master's purpose for such reactions, but I thank him for freeing me from prison in a tree and Caliban, that poisonous child of Sycorax, got by the devil himself upon thy wicked dam. Spirits out there, never question your masters; they know what they are doing, and in the end, if you have a faithful master like mine, you will be freeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!LOL!!!!! I shall be free as mountain winds, but first I must do a couple tasks. Being the last of my duties, I will do them perfectly so that when I am free, my master will cherish and honor me. I can’t wait; it’s a matter of days when I am at liberty and can live like a normal spirit, in harmony and peace. My debt to Prospero will be paid, and I will live!!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

                                                                      This is ME!!!!!

                                                              My Master, Prospero

                                  Thank you Prospero for saving me!!! Speacial Thanks to my Master!!!!

                                                   This is how I will live in the near future